
Your forked tongue is laced
with the bitter taste of hate;
hate for that which I dare not negate. 
For hate like this spreads and
I won't let you taint my love. 
Retract your fangs and 
swallow your acidic words
as I have no space in my 
veins for your venom. 
Only love; pure and real 
flows through these crimson canals. 
My heart beats for me,
not for your hate. 
My heart beats for the girl
who takes my breath away. 
My heart beats for the love
I no longer wish to deny. 
You know not of good, nor evil, 
merely falsehoods of 
believed damnation. 
So, please leave my garden;
you are not welcome
on the grounds where
love blooms 
without a cost,
and hate rots 
like your 

Illustration by @shop.sopita

Illustration by @shop.sopita


New Horizons


Revolving Door